Welcome to Babynamesfor
Babynamesfor.com is your expert baby names resource.
This is the best place for those who want to understand what names are truly about. Scroll through thousands of boy and girl names. Find in-depth information about names and their meanings, as well as their origin, history and popularity.
Select your favorite name by gender:
Boy names
Girl names
“Babynamesfor” is unique because it presents knowledge that would otherwise take a great deal of time to obtain.
Our team thoroughly researches reliable historic sources. In that manner, we offer well-documented information and at the same time more esoteric and scientific characteristics. In essence, a walk through “babynamesfor” will reveal the names qualities and symbolism.
Furthermore, those of you who are interested in the names’ history, rest assured you’re in the perfect place. As soon as you begin your research, “Babynamesfor” will stand out as the most accurate and simple guide, especially for understanding a names’ energy and dynamics.
Name Meanings
Practical categories & Intuitive ideas!
We offer many country-specific name meanings and ideas, such as:
Australian baby names
Brazilian baby names
British baby names
Canadian baby names
Chinese baby names
German baby names
Dutch baby names
French baby names
Greek baby names
Irish baby names
Italian baby names
Japanese baby names
Polish baby names
Russian baby names
Scottish baby names
Spanish baby names
Inspiration & Individuality!
In “Babynamesfor” you will read about the famous bearers of the names and prominent personalities’ idiosyncrasies and achievements.
Every name has a special weight upon it and based on the alertness of the bearer he or she becomes bequeathed with its special properties. This information will give you an idea about the characteristics of the names and will help you decide by looking at your baby’s special features.
In particular, the coolest, most unique baby names, i.e.:
Cool baby names
Rare baby names
Unusual baby names
Unique baby names
Surfer baby names
Celestial baby names based on astronomy
Flower baby names
Names categories that relate to your inspirational preferences, based on creativity, the seasons or astrology, i.e.:
Rock and roll baby names
Artistic baby names
Jazz baby names
Summer baby names
Autumn baby names
Aries baby names
Libra baby names
Special quality names and their distinctive categories, such as:
Romantic baby names
Bohemian baby names
Strong baby names
Spiritual baby names
Sweet baby names
Happy baby names
Friendly baby names
Unique lists and features and detailed information about the various name categories.
Many expectant parents are extremely interested in the meaning of names, rightly so.
The meaning of a name is significant for your child because it can have a major influence on their lives. Giving a baby a name that is too ambitious or a very simple one, may play a role in other people’s perception, raising or minimizing expectations.
Some parents have knowledge of a name’s meaning in their country but do not know that this name has a completely different meaning in another language.
In “Babynamesfor” we research the name meanings and provide you with the most accurate and extensive information about them.
Name Meanings
Our purpose is to give you specific knowledge, interesting attributes, and qualities of the names, which you may find useful when you search for the perfect name for your baby.
Our best wishes for the happiest of choices for your treasure.
Enjoy the journey into our site.